Dried clementines
Dried clementines

dried clementines

As such, a secure and reliable supply of water of an appropriate quality is critical to businesses that grow and process fruit and vegetables, and consequently to the security of supply to retailers and ultimately consumers.įF&V value chains are exposed to different types of water risk. Water is used in many stages of the FF&V value chain including growing (rainfall, irrigation), processing (washing produce, pack-house wash-down, sanitation) and distribution (wash-down).

dried clementines

With population growth, dietary change and the greater recognition of the importance of fruit and vegetable consumption for health, demand is increasing, and the areas where FF&V are cultivated have been extending, particularly in semi-arid and arid environments where water shortages are common (Kumar, Rouphael, Cardarelli, & Colla, Citation2017). The production of fresh fruit and vegetables (FF&V) requires large quantities of water.

Dried clementines